Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Movie & nice long conversation with friends

I rushed to Sunnybank Plaza AMC on Tuesday evening, thinking that I'd be watching the thriller "Disturbia" with a couple of good friends/Christian brothers. But thanks to a last-minute change of plan (by 1 of those 2 friends - the other turned up a bit later), we ended up watching the sci-fi "Sunshine", which started 10 minutes after "Disturbia". The drastic change of plan was, er hem, disturbing (me & those 2 friends had fun over the emails prior to the movies, making a pun out of the words "Disturbia" & "disturb"). Just kidding - the change was actually "necessary" to give us the extra 10 minutes or so to gobble down our dinner & grab our tickets. In the event, I missed the very start of "Sunshine". The movie was passable. I wouldn't say it was superb or magnificent, but it's just ok. Missing the very start (what is that, 1-2 mins I missed?) probably didn't help in my understanding of the movie storyline. Anyway, lesson learnt - get in the theatre as soon as possible after buying your ticket, never assume that movie previews go for 20 mins, because it probably went for only 10 mins. I would have preferred to have seen "Disturbia" - but hey, there's always another day.

Anyways, after the movie concluded, us 3 went over to Coffee Club nearby to have some dessert. We also had a long, interesting & meaningful conversation. No chatting on football, as we often do when we get together. Instead, we talked about all sorts of "serious" stuff, about various matters/issues pertaining to life in general, our lives, our faith & our walk with God. Our issues & struggles are similar & a lot of them were laid out in the open as we chat the night away. It appears that we all want the same thing - to improve in our spiritual walk, to built each other up as brothers in Christ, & to develop a closer relationship with God as well as our other brothers in Christ. One of those 2 friend even mentioned that he wants "to make us uncomfortable". By that, I gather he meant that he wants us to be challenged to change for the better, to always hold each other accountable & ask the tough questions regarding our spiritual walk.

I thank God for the fellowship & interesting conversation that we had at Coffee Club - & also for 1/2 an hour at the parking lot afterwards! I hope that there will be many more similar meaningful conversations in the future. And, I pray that God will help us change in the areas where we need to change, & also help us spur each other (as well as other fellow Christians) to run the race that He set before us.

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