Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Reflection - Psalm 150:6

My colleague at work, J (of Hong Kong origin), is a Christian. She is a team manager, but in a different team than mine. At her workstation (which is just next to mine), she hangs a calendar with a Bible verse each month. A couple of weeks ago, I took a peek at her calendar while passing by her workstation. The verse for the month of June was Psalm 150:6: Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. That's what the calendar says. In the Bible, that verse has an additional Praise the Lord. That is certainly a nice way to end the book of Psalm.

At the time, I looked at the verse & exclaimed it aloud. Then I remember sharing with J (who by then already knew that I'm a Christian) that I don't praise God enough, that I don't often think enough to do so. From recollection, J tried to encourage me to do it more often, saying that it's a great idea & is important that we always give God the praise that He so deserves.

J is absolutely right. The trouble is, I don't praise God often enough (sometimes not at all) due to sheer complacency. I become so complacent with my very comfortable life, taking many things for granted (sometimes with
blasé indifference) that I forget to show my gratitude to the Lord for all that He has done for me & provided me. So it is my hope that I will always remember this verse to encourage me to praise the Lord constantly, every day. And do so faithfully & with love. And do so with delight, in the knowledge that I am part of His Kingdom of believers & in the knowledge that He will always bless His children richly & take good care of them.


Dear Lord, thank you for the reminder of Psalm 150:6 earlier this month. Please forgive me for the times where I neglect to give you the praise that you so richly deserve. Please help me to lavish praise on you constantly, & to be grateful & mindful of all your blessings & for your sheer love & kindness. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.


Steeejei said...

Hey DT,

Can I get permission to use some of this blog in my upcoming Chairing for SLE? I'll use it in reference to raising the question 'How can we praise God more?' and answer it on the morning... ;)

I won't say anything not-nice!

Mr DT said...

Permission granted - preferrably, on an "anonymous basis" (i.e. not mentioning my name), but if the nature/content of your chairing somehow necessitates my name being mentioned, then mention my name. Do whatever u need for your chairing. Good luck.