Sunday, March 11, 2007

Poker can take so long!

If there's one thing I learnt (or was reminded of) from the time spent with friends at Winston's place on Saturday nite (his parents were away during that weekend, so the house was free), it's the fact that poker can be so time-consuming. The second poker game that we played dragged on & on, that the final 2 contestants (myself & Maria) finally, at close to 1am (Sunday morning!) decided to end the game, as a "stalemate" - I had on numerous occasions said that I was "pokered out" & I'm sure people could tell that I looked tired. So it was a tie with neither player winning outright, although Maria ended up with more poker chips than me. At least I was the best performer among the guys, & there's some satisfaction in playing a part in getting rid of the other guys - Ivan Choe, BT, Winston & Sean (Sandra was the only other female contestant besides Maria). In fact, if I recalled correctly, I was the one who eliminated Winston & Sean (maybe also BT?), as it was me who won the pots that "killed" them off, although it had to be said that Sean was a tad gung-ho with his betting & that played a big part in his demise.

But that was the second poker game. The first poker game saw me being the first contestant eliminated! So I obviously improved vastly in the second game. The fact that Sean jokingly advised me to "go against my instincts" when making a decision (bet or fold etc) perhaps helped me do well in the second game. Sean wasn't around for the first game; his cousin Sam was, & Sam actually did very well in that game (he had left before we started the second game). Not sure who won the first game - can't remember, maybe we decided to stop (although Sam would have had the most chips when we stopped) & go on to the Nintendo Wii that Ivan brought over.

Anyway, besides the poker & Nintendo Wii, we also played chor dai di (Big 2). Well, those that didn't play the Wii played chor dai di. Actually, we varied the rules a bit - instead of shuffling positions after each round, winner gets to start the next round. So I dunno if u can still call what we played chor dai di ;) Anyway, whatever it is we played, I wasn't so good at - didn't even win a single round. I'm even worse with the Wii tennis - got soundly flogged by Winston & Sean. But hey, it was great, great fun, but tiring (got home at 2am) - so tiring that I am now feeling the effects of the late finish! I'm heading off to bed soon after this post!


quop said...

hey DT, we should play no-limit next time... faster game :)

as for chor dai di, what we played was proper/normal big 2. the game you're thinking of where you switch positions etc is president (i know it as masters and slaves, but it has a whole bunch of other names).

Mr DT said...

Mr Quop, "no-limit" sounds like a good idea. Well, we can have limits in the first few rounds, & then change over to "no-limit" as the game progresses....

Ya, that's right - masters & slaves is what it's called. I forgot, until u mention it.

But yeah, bring on next time!! I'm sure it'll be just as much fun!

Steeejei said...

Hey DT - didn't know you had a blog! Will be here more often in future ;)

In regards to the stalemate...well...that's when you bet big (all in!) and hope for the best!

Anonymous said...

Look at you guys...think you're poker experts from a couple of games. Perlease...learn from the master who's sharpened his poker skills for nearly 5 years now!!