Friday, June 26, 2009

RIP Michael Jackson

Everywhere u turn, people would be talking about it. It happened so suddenly & unexpectedly. It's all over the news & it's making big headlines, like "Michael Jackson is dead" or "Michael Jackson dies". Just shortly after Farah Fawcett died, another famous entertainer (& truly famous, at that) is gone from this world. Yep, MJ is gone. Totally unbelievable.

MJ needs no introduction. Everyone knows who he is, & everyone knows how good he is at what he does. He is the King of Pop, the master of his craft, an icon of the music industry. He has done so very much for the music & entertainment industry. Millions of people idolise him, or at least follow him closely. He is unquestionably talented - in fact, even saying that might not amount to enough praise for MJ's standing in the music industry.

Like I said, he needs no introduction, so I don't need to elaborate any further on who he is or his achievements in the music & entertainment industry. But he is dead, tragically gone at only 51. More details of his death will come out in due course. I never idolised MJ & won't consider myself a truly huge fan of MJ. But I consider him as someone who is "great to have around", & I do appreciate his music. So when I found out about his death just after lunch today, I felt really sad. Yeah, that is how big MJ is - even those who don't follow him particularly closely (like myself) can be moved by news of his tragic death.
A lot of my Facebook friends updated their status profile to comment on MJ's death. They are much much bigger MJ fans that I am, & I am already feeling imagine how much sadder they must be.

Now, MJ is a controversial character & has made lots of headlines over the years for less than positive reasons. I won't elaborate into all of that. But all that stuff never diminished my overall positive opinion of him.
Okay, so MJ not be an angel. Okay, so MJ may have some character flaws. And okay, he may have made mistakes here & there, & have done some things in his life which we disapprove. But frankly, I have never really been prepared to accept that he is anywhere near as bad as sections of the media have portrayed him. I mean, come on, are we to really believe everything that they say about him???

Instead, I choose to remember MJ for what he does best - his music, his entertainment. Thank u, MJ for all your wonderful songs, your dance moves, your entertainment. You are certainly one of a kind - there will never be another one like u.
RIP Michael Jackson. You will be sadly missed.

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