Friday, June 5, 2009

It's official - junk food IS addictive

Here's an article I just stumbled across via NineMSN (called "Sugar high"). It's very true & not surprising, really - junkfood is definitely addictive. Well, speaking for myself anyway, it's true. Once u start consuming, u just want more, & u just keep going. Try opening a can of Pringles, for instance. Remember the Pringles punchline "once you pop you can't stop". Well, it's so true isn't it, if u know what I mean ;)

Sugar high

In news that's hardly eyebrow-raising (but is a little depressing)...junk food is addictive.

A study at the University of South Australia examined the effects of junk food on rats. The rats allowed to eat diets high in sugar and fat not only put on weight, but also became anxious when the junk food was replaced with healthier options. The lead researcher, Zhi Yi Ong, also discovered that the rats would often prefer to go hungry than to eat the healthier alternatives.

The rationale behind the results is that foods high in sugar and fat can trigger the release of dopamine in the brain's central reward pathway - the same area affected by illegal drugs.

"We're speculating junk food can down-regulate (desensitise) the reward pathway in our brains," Ms Ong said.

"So if you have consumed too much, you have to consume more and more in order to feel the same happy feeling."

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