Saturday, February 17, 2007

Clay dessert party

Yeah, that's what we had at CCCB St Lucia yesterday nite (Fri 16/2/07) - a dessert party to start off Clay for the year, & to welcome new people to Clay to find out what Clay is about & what Clayers are like, etc. Quite a good turnout, although there were a number of people who were away - including Hung & Stella, whose recently arrived baby Nathaniel I still have not yet seen. We welcomed some newcomers, mostly people I know from YF - Rachel, Sam, Steven & Steph. Good to see them.

After a period of chatting, my velli good fren Ivan Choe got the entertainment/games going. We started with each person collecting a cut-up piece of paper from Ivan, & each person then have to match their cut-up paper with those of other people so that those cut-up pieces form a sheet of paper when joined together. All up, the cut-up papers formed 3 different sheets, so from all that, 3 groups were formed. Those 3 sheets had a list of various items, so in the 3 groups, we had to come up with the items (effectively, "treasure hunt"). After Ivan assessed the groups on the items, we moved on to the next game. We had to answer a series of questions on various strips of paper, with each answer having a set number of letters from the alphabet. We then had to locate those answers on an A4 paper which had a maze of alphabets - the answers were hidden in the maze of alphabets & we had to circle the answers left, right, up, down & centre. Then the alphabets not circled formed a verse in the Bible, which we had to fill in at the bottom of the A4 sheet. Big big kudos to Mr Choe for organising the games!

After the games, Pastor Steve Nation talked about the plans for Clay for 2007. The major change is that Clay studies will now be held in 2 locations (St Lucia & Southside), so that people will find it more convenient to attend the studies (well, hopefully that's the case) now that they can choose to go to either location. Thank God for Pastor Steve & his overseeing of Clay's plans for the year together with the Clay leaders/facilitators. Then, Yuan took the opportunity to share his thoughts specifically on his vision for the men of Clay. From his sharing, it's obvious that Yuan has a passion to see the brothers of Clay grow together in Christ. Thank God that Yuan is an integral part of Clay, & for sharing his godly vision for the brothers of Clay. Back in November 2006, Yuan approached me (among others) to be one of the people to assist him with his plans for the Clay men; it's effectively brothers' pastoral care. I would do whatever I am able to in order to help Yuan. (Hopefully, in doing so, I won't let God or anyone down, or stumble anyone....)

Then Keiyeng brought out the surprise birthday cake for Yuan & Keileng, who both celebrate their birthdays this month. Interestingly, Yuan's pink shirt matched the colour of the birthday cake. I wonder - did he suspect the surprise thing was going to happen & that the bday cake icing was going to be pink?? Hhmmm....

Anyway, after the cake cutting, we went back to chatting in various groups. That was basically it, a good & quite enjoyable function. Clay studies will start next Friday. I can't wait!

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