Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Junk food - 6 rules you must obey

And continuing on the food theme, I saw this article via a link somewhere on NineMSN website.

The 6 rules of indulgence

1. Control cravings:
Complete deprivation is not the solution. A denied craving can quickly spiral out of control, leading to bingeing or overeating. If you're craving fries or chips, for example, eat a small serving of fries, or buy the mini 150-calorie bag of chips and be done with it.

2. Indulge sensibly:
Splurging on occasion is acceptable -- just don't get carried away!

3. Avoid stocking treats in your cabinets or fridge:
Buy something only when the craving hits and enjoy a small quantity. Then share or trash the rest.

4. Mix it up: Try eating something healthier thing along with the less-nutritious food, like a piece of fruit with your cheesecake. By eating the fruit first, you'll dull your appetite and be less likely to wolf down a second slice of the cheesecake.

5. Count calories: Compare the amount of fat and calories found in healthy, filling snacks vs. less-healthful foods. For instance, a medium apple contains just 338 kilojoules and no fat; and a container of low-fat fruit yogurt provides 966 kilojoules and 2 grams of fat.

6. Focus on fat:
Take extra care to read labels, there are lots of hidden bad fats in packaged foods. Take extra care with hidden processed fats which have been shown to raise your LDL (bad) cholesterol level. The Heart Association recommends limiting the amount of processed (trans) fat you eat to less than 1 percent of your total daily calories. To maintain your weight, no more than 25 percent of daily calories should come from fat.


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