Thursday, January 3, 2008

Rain, rain & more rain

Wahhhh. It's been raining & raining here in Brisbane. Like today especially. It was raining when I was out in the Brisbane CBD for much of today , & now, it's raining big time. Good weather for sleeping. *yawn*

With all the rain, it certainly doesn't feel like summer at all. I mean, it's hot in most of the other cities in Australia. But Brisbane, noooo, it's been raining. So no summer heat, no scorching heat - I can't remember experiencing a cooler summer than this. Not that I'm complaining. Far from it. I like it like this actually (much preferable to stinking, muggy hot summer) & am quite happy for it to continue raining for the rest of the summer. Though, it would be good if the rain comes at the "right" times, & not too heavy.

Thank you, God, for the rain. Because it means no suffering in the summer heat, & it brings water to the dams, & it gives water to the people in the outback. Let the rain continue.

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