--] Sleep was interrupted every couple of hours - kept waking up & then doze off again; turned out Alice also had "trouble" with her sleep in Val's room (with Val & Fat).
--] My brother Brendan & myself did the flower collection after breakfast, but were held up at the Rocklea Markets by flower miscalculation - florists were a couple of wrist corsages short, so we had to wait for them to be done up (I was flustered).
--] After rounding up all my wedding gear, I waited for the lunch to arrive (relatives were bringing some Malaysian noodles & cakes/delicacies). And waited. And waited. Approaching 11:30am, the food still haven't arrived. Wedding ceremony would start at 1pm, I had to be at church say 12:15pm to 12:30pm to give the flowers to the Young family & usher with Mikey & Rachel, yet lunch is not here yet, & I'm not even changed & haven't shaved! (flustered again)
--] Then, people started arriving to our home: Val (hair done up), the bridesmaids (Fat & Alice), the photographers, Mum (hair done up at different place). Relatives from Malaysia (Dad's side) staying with Uncle Paul & Aunty Daisy arrived, together with all those food (Dad got some Eagle Boys pizza). Relatives from Perth (Mum's side) were already at our place.
--] I hastily changed & shaved.^^ Lunch started just before 11:45am - just a bit over 1 hour before ceremony starts! I rushed through lunch - food's so delicious, but I couldn't stay on & pig out. So a few minutes after 12pm, BT drove myself & Mum to St Andrews Church, South Brisbane.
At church, I had more anxiety, this time with handing out the flowers while at the same time trying to carry out ushering. I can't recognise the Young family members save Andrew's parents, & I struggled to keep up with who's getting what (luckily, I got help). Keiyeng kindly helped me pin my corsage. Funny how stressed I was, & as some pointed out to their amusement, it wasn't even my wedding!! The wedding man himself appeared very calm; so was Val when I saw her at home. Yet, here I am doing all the worrying. I'm not really a worrier by nature - it's just that I wanted the best for Val & Andrew.
At least some complimented my appearance - one friend even said it looked like I was the one getting married (guess I did well, considering the rushed change of clothes at home). Also, thank God that fellow ushers Mikey & Rachel did a great job, & likewise the greeters Melina & Thu. Thank God also for everyone else who helped out (Mikey later modestly downplayed his contribution - Mikey, u da man, big up for your help).
Then, Val & the bridesmaids arrived in a Rolls Royce (kindly driven by Uncle Philip Oh). I was outside taking pictures of their arrival & made way to my seat, just before the bridesmaids entered. Then, Dad walked Val down the aisle. The ceremony is underway!
^^ Some point during the changing, someone saw me without pants, only for a split second - I tried to sneak between bathroom & bedroom thinking no one would see, but I was wrong. To quote the Greek lady from the 90s show Acropolis Now, "How embarassment".

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