Today, Saturday, 28 April 2007 is the day my youngest brother BT got baptised. A number of Clayers (& of course, family members) gathered at Sean's residence to witness the baptism. That the weather was a tad gloomy did not prevent a sizeable number of people from turning out (which included Rachel's parents - so nice of them to come).
BT, all clad in a white & blue choir robe, gave his testimony. It was brief & totally off-the-cuff, but it came from the heart. Pastor Steve then gave a short talk - if memory serves me correct, I think it was something along the lines of "out with the old self" & "in with a new transformed person, living a new, God-centered life". Though I cannot remember everything in great detail, his message was moving, so much so that I was left a little teary-eyed (but managed to keep it in & therefore didn't bawl my eyes out....hehe). Yeah, the talk was really good, & I might ask Pastor for the passages he referred to in his talk.
After Pastor's talk, the moment we've been waiting for arrived - the baptism; Pastor Steve dunked BT in the water after BT did his confession of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. It was clear from observing both Pastor & BT that the water was cold, & BT appeared like a wet dog when he got out of the pool. And funnily, a handful of people then rocked up after BT was already out of the pool! I won't mention names, but it's the usual "late brigade" ;)
After the baptism, most of the Clayers headed over to Yahoo Restaurant in Sunnybank Hills for lunch. We occupied 2 huge tables & continued our fellowship, & the food was quite good (except for the rendang) & fairly inexpensive. It's my second time at this restaurant, & interestingly, on both occasions (February & today), the sky was gloomy. After lunch, I dropped off Mark & Ivan. I stayed at Ivan's place for a while, played Xbox soccer & got whipped severely in first game but was winning the second before the Xbox froze. Thereafter I departed.
Anyway, it was really fantastic to witness my brother's baptism. Praise God for leading him to take this step of faith, & I pray that God would continue to guide & bless him as he seeks to be live a life pleasing to Him.
NB: April 28 is also exactly 1 year since I secured my professional qualification (the CA qualification). I remembered celebrating that achievement with a little over a dozen Clayers that Friday nite (after Clay), at Coffee Club in Milton. April 28 is also the birthday of my dear aunty in Malaysia. Yay!!
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