My Bible study group (Clay) has recently finished the series on the book of Proverbs, & we are about to embark on a new series of studies this Friday (dunno much about the new studies, except that apparently it’s going to be topical if I hear correctly – oh well, I’ll probably blog about all this in future). The way we studied Proverbs was that we didn’t cover every single chapter in such great detail – we only looked at key verses selected by Pastor Steve, who designed the Proverbs studies for the Clayers.
We usually split off into 2 smaller groups & each group would look at one of the above themes, dig into the Bible verses that deal with the given theme, & then later both groups come back together where members of each group do a presentation on their group’s topic.
We looked at various themes in Proverbs:
Week 1 - power & weakness of words, justice
Week 2 - authority/politics, sexuality
Week 3 - parents & children, friendship (Not enough people turned up for this study, so we stayed as one group & studied “parents & children”, but didn’t have time to study “friendship)
Week 4 - alcohol, money.
I’m actually going through Proverbs in my own time, at my own pace – very verrrryyyy slow pace, only touched on the first 2 chapters so far. That means that I’m no expert at all on Proverbs – actually, I’m no expert on any book of the Bible. Never mind, I’ll learn a few things ;)
Anyway, I thought it might be an idea to rack up some thoughts & reflections on the studies on Proverbs. Like I said, I’ve only read Proverbs 1 & 2 at this stage. So anything I write here would be based on what I’ve managed to gather from the Clay studies, rather than what I’ve read from those first 2 chapters. One disclaimer: any discrepancies between what I say & what the Bible says would, of course, be due entirely to my errors – the Bible is the truth!
Here are my thoughts & reflections:
# Proverbs is definitely an interesting book. Apparently, it’s meant to be a guidebook for godly living for Christians. To me, the book is full of wisdom & seems a bit philosophical (nothing wrong with that, although I obviously don’t have the mind of a philosopher).
# On the theme of authority/politics, haha….I recalled bagging (poking fun of) the PM Mr Howard during my discussion group. Pastor Steve put a check to the bagging. I obviously need to pay heed to what the advice in Proverbs is to those under authority – respect, do not bag, obey leaders (whether government, church, work) because the authority to govern us is given to them by God, who has ultimate authority over everything.
# I paid more attention during Weeks 3 & 4 than in the preceding 2 weeks (by this time, I was a bit more used to the new study format). With “parents & children”, the passages outline the different instructions for parents & children, but the common instruction to both is to submit to God. Nothing surprising here, but I guess it highlights how important submission to God is, as a lifelong instruction applying to all stages of life.
# The last study was a really big one for me, as it dealt with 2 areas where I have some issues: alcohol & money. I shared these issues with the brothers at Clay, during our discussion time.
# With alcohol, I like to have a drink every now & then, but there have been instances (engagement parties, weddings, even work Xmas function) where I’ve crossed the line & drank too much. Most recent one was the Boys Nite Out a couple of months ago with a friend from Melbourne & other guys. Pastor Steve said he would keep me accountable on this matter. I can argue that I get drunk only once in a while, but Proverbs is clear on the negative effects that alcohol can bring. A couple of passages (Like 22:17-18 & John 2:1-11) give a different, more positive perspective on alcohol – but only if alcohol is used wisely & not excessively.
# On the subject of money, I do give some of it to God’s people (those training up for full-time ministry etc) & also various Christian organizations, & definitely won’t mind looking at a couple more of those organizations to give to. Pastor Steve was encouraged by this. So for me, the giving side is fine. However, not everything’s well & good. Where I really struggle with money is in the area of wealth accumulation. I got this obsession with building up what I’ve accumulated, as I feverishly monitor my investment unit prices & performances, as well as my savings. I check the investment unit prices almost daily. I also am on the constant lookout for more investment opportunities, researching various managed funds to identify the ones which will grow my money so I can put money in. I did the “materialism” workshop at BLT in August 2006, conducted by Fat & her friend Chris. After that workshop, I shared my struggle with wealth accumulation with Chris – we had a lengthy conversation at the beach. He counseled against having this obsession & advised that my priorities as a Christian should be seeking treasures in heaven & not building up earthly wealth. I still am struggling in this area….
# On the whole, I’d say that there are quite a number areas in my life which fall short of the standard set by Proverbs for godly living – such as the areas of alcohol & money which I’ve discussed above.
Now, the above thoughts & reflections is based on what we did cover during the studies. What we didn’t cover during the studies was “friendship” in Week 3 (for reasons outlined above). So, I did the “friendship” study myself in my own time, looking at the passages outlined on the study sheet (Proverbs
# The last 2 passages say that it’s good to have a friend that we can share & communicate freely with; we should value true friendship. We should associate with good people, people who help stimulate/encourage each other.
# What sort of a friend am I? I’d say I’m helpful, caring & friendly (perhaps this view is biased & self-serving?). I like to make them laugh every now & then. I’d like to think I’ve been good to my friends, but the truth is I’m not always loving & maybe not always kind. To them, I apologise for the times I’ve not been loving or kind, & for the times where I may have said nasty things. I hope you can forgive me & correct me in future when I’m wrong. My hope is that I can be a friend who is loving, encouraging & approachable - all those things that the above passages say a friend should be.
# What sort of friends do I have? All sorts! I have good, nice people – many are Christians, some are not. Some are funny. Some are more serious. Some are very strong spiritually. I thank God for blessing me with these friends.
# What do my friends think of me? Well, I dunno, u have to ask them! Some may say I’m funny & easy going, some will say I’m quiet during the Clay studies, some may say I’m picky with when I choose to hang out with them. I’d like to think their views of me are positive overall ;)
Finally, I’d say that I enjoyed the Proverbs studies, & am grateful to Pastor Steve & Keiyeng for their leadership in Clay St Lucia group. I will continue to look at the rest of Proverbs in my time, & I look forward to the next series of studies in Clay.
NB: Studying with the
Hey Dan,
Glad to see and read the summary on Proverbs as I wasn't able to attend most of the studies (with being overseas and mad rush to sort out my semester's workload with teaching).
I find that it's hard not to bag our leaders especially when I disagree with many of the policies that Howard comes up with. It's a very difficult thing. In my opinion, I always try to justify why it's ok to disrespect our nation's leaders (esp if they are Tories) rather than take the Bible at its face value. I guess it's picking and choosing what agrees with me most. There's a real danger to this way of thinking.
Money has also been one of my biggest struggles as well. But I think i'm more materialist than anything else, as i want the latest gadgets and gizmos. But we already had a good chat about that tonight after the movie!
On friendship, I like your thoughts on it. In particular how you try to address what Proverbs says. But however, for myself as one of your friends, I find that I'm not very encouraging and still fall into the payout category 80% of the time! I guess this stems from my high-school days in an all boy school, where you sharpen your tongue in such a witty manner. But I found our talk tonight, along with Yuan, very encouraging as I think that the issues we talk about there are motivating and exciting as you guys feel the same way. It's certainly more meaningful than innate chatter about useless stuff. How can we really be identified as Christians if we constantly fail to discuss matters pertaining to God's glory, His Kingdom, His Gospel??
So I'm glad we had that chat tonight. It was stimulating and I really do look forward to being an encouraging brother in Christ outside of the usual bible study sessions at Clay.
I guess we really do have to be vigilant in always having a Christ centered relationship (even when discussing how crap Liverpool are!)
Uh huh. Perhaps bagging the government is preferrable to begging church leaders, LOL. True, though - I have utmost respect for the likes of Pastor Steve (if he sees this, that's one brownie point for DT!)
Yeah, I am in the same boat with being selective with which Bible passages to follow. With so many things in common, no wonder we've been such good friends over these years. Hehe. You are right - it's dangerous, & it's not ideal. But therein lies the problem - I don't always do/follow the right things, because the other option often seems easier. So if it's easier to not follow a particular passage, I "overlook" that passage. Not that I can think of any such specific passages right now. But u know what I mean. With passages I highly agree on, I follow them & give myself a "pat on the back" for being obedient. Yet with passages not totally in line with my thinking, I "turn a blind eye". Not good - but like I said, I do what's easy to do, even if it's not necessarily correct.
Whatever your thoughts re u not being very encouraging, I remain grateful to God that I can count u as a good friend. Last nite, u & Yuan encouraged me with your sharing. It was fascinating hearing both your thoughts on various things. So, u can flush away the "not being a very encouraging friend" bit ;)
Oh, & your Liverpool comment - what a great way to start! Yeah, so crap that they are in the Champions League semi-final!
Jokes aside, I hope we can have many more such conversations. They're great & meaningful, & I'm sure Yuan feels the same way.
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