Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Planet DT's 2nd birthday/anniversary

Wow, it's now 2 years since I started blogging. Time really flies.

The blog has been lucky enough to get some hits from various places around the world. Thanks to those of u who pop by for a visit. Hopefully, u have been entertained or edified by the things I put up on this blog (or at least by some of them).

Remember how that great comedy Seinfeld is known as "a show about nothing?". Well, to a certain extent, Planet DT is the same - that it is a blog about nothing. The blog's focus (if there is one) is on nothing - or nothing in particular, with lots of posts covering on all sorts of things & stuff in life, however minor they may seem, just like it is with Seinfeld.

You will find pretty much "anything & everything" on Planet DT - from football, jokes, book reviews, things I see, sermon summaries, personal thoughts, silly stuff, all sorts of things. It's not meant to be a football blog, it's doesn't contain only jokes, & it's certainly not a Christian blog (even though I'm a Christian & do post some Christian stuff every now & then). This blog has a combination of those things, & more. It's a blog that has "anything & everything", & it's meant to reflect me & the things in & around my life.

I try desperately not to offend anyone intentionally with my blog posts, & apologise if any readers find any of my posts offensive. I try also not to be negative & try not to deliberately condemn or insult any person or group for no reason (except for football referees who make bad mistakes, or whenever my football team loses). Nope, I don't want my readers to feel condemned or offended; I want them to have a laugh or feel edified/encouraged in some way. Failing that, at least to read my blog to pass some time if u find yourselves with nothing better to do between midnight & 2am ;)

Ohhh well, 2 years already & still going, so here's to the future. I hope that u visitors will continue to pop by every now & then. Feel free to post some comments, even if u don't know me personally. By all means, put some critical comments where u see fit to do so, as I think I got thick skin (or am well on the way to getting some). And please, no virus, thanks. What's virus good for, anyway??

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