Sunday, May 11, 2008

Radio talk by Phil Campbell on greed

On the way to church this morning, I heard a talk on the radio (FM 96.5) delivered by Phil Campbell. The topic of the talk was greed. I remembered Phil from last year's Men's Training Event. He was a very good speaker (I'm sure those who attended MTE would agree). His radio talk this morning was rather enjoyable. I don't think I remember exactly everything that was said (selective memory retention, is what it is), but I hope this post covers the gist of the talk.

Phil Campbell's talk was on Luke 12:13-21. The passage talked about the parable of the rich man. Phil emphasized Luke 12:15: "Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions".

Phil said that the passage warns us against greed.
He referred to inheritance as one situation in which greed can manifest itself. He gave an real-life example of a man & his sister who both inherited some things (jewelry or stuff like that) from their mother's will. The sister would insist that she inherit those things which are of better quality. That sort of "me first" mentality is greed. The person thinks he/she should be number one & scramble to get as much as he/she can get.

Time & time again, Phil implored his listeners to be on our guard against greed. He mentioned that the world does encourage greed, this desire to get & accumulate more. Phil said that the problem with greed is that it reduces life to less than what it really is. There is very little point in accumulating treasures on earth, things which we cannot take with us when we move on from this world. Instead of focusing on those things, we should focus on things which are more permanent. Jesus in the passage was warning His audience to be on their guard against greed, & seek the kingdom of God instead of material things. Phil encouraged us to do this - to seek the things of heaven instead of focusing on accumulating earthly possessions.


I'm glad I got to hear Phil Campbell's talk, & I managed to do so because I left home a little earlier than other Sundays (so I won't be too late picking up Mark & Chris H). The timing was interesting - Phil Campbell's talk came on the radio so soon after I started the car & left home. It's almost as if God had planned on me listening to the talk. And probably with good reason, too. It's because I think I at various times & at various degrees, do struggle with greed. There are lots of things around me which can potentially tempt me & foster greed. I see them on the internet, in the financial newspapers, investment magazines (which I subscribe to!).

For example, I read about top performing managed funds during a given period of time. I will think: "Wow, I wish I got money to put into those shares or managed funds. Then in X number of years, my investments will grow, my stocks will rise & I will have more money! Money, money, yeah, yeah!". Sheer greed - & this, despite the fact that I already got a portfolio of investments already. I remembered having a chat about this particular struggle at BLT 2006 with one of Fayette's friends, Chris (different one from Chris H). Though I don't look as much or as obsessively at managed fund prices anymore, it'll be dangerous to think the problem is completely gone.

Anyway, I pray that God will help me be watchful against greed, & that I will look to prioritise building my relationship with Him, instead of building up material wealth or possessions. It won't be easy at all, as I think I can be susceptible to be tempted by the things around me (it's possibly one of my weaknesses). But I pray that God, with whatever ways He has, will strengthen my heart to want to seek His kingdom first, & to remember the warning in Luke 12:15.


Steeejei said...

A great post DT! I'm encouraged on quite a few levels - firstly that 96.5 invited such a great preacher to give the weekly talk (as they usually have ok to very average speakers on that show), and secondly that you were impacted about the topic.

Keep being challenged and posting up your thoughts :)

Steeejei said...

P.S - you should put on the 'word verification' option for comments in the 'setup options' for blogger - it'll help keep annoying advertising comments away from your blog ;)