The wedding started with the best man entering the church, followed by Winston, then the maid of honour (Eilen's sister Chloe), & finally Eilen accompanied by her dad. They literally marched! Especially NC, he marched like a robot. I was seated near the pathway where they came in, & I did all I could to stifle my laugh. It's different from other weddings where the groom & his best man/men wait for the bride & the bridal party to enter.
Then the ceremony began. I remember seeing how Winston & Eilen sang so joyfully & heartily during the singing. The wedding sermon was given by an ex-YFer who is now involved in university ministry, Bill Colyer. Bill's sermon, if I heard it correctly, touched on how Christian weddings mirror the great wedding that await God's people in heaven, when we see Jesus again. Hmmm, something like that. But u get the idea.
Anyway, The ceremony (u know....exchanging of ring, kisses, pronouncement of Winston & Eilen as married couple) was then followed by group photos. And my goodness, some of the groups were so huge, it was a struggle to fit those large groups in. Then, we had reception lunch at the hall. The best man ran the show well, though I may be a bit biased in saying that (as mentioned earlier, he's a real close buddy). Firstly, he conducted the trivia quiz, ably aided by Phuong (his partner) & Alice. He handpicked a few people from the audience for the trivia quiz. Me & my friends (Ivan, Terence & Catherine) were not far behind him, & bolted out before he could pick any of us for the trivia quiz. Then, Nigel gave a nice best man's speech. Funnily enough for me & my brother BT, Nigel mentioned "Nebuchadnezzar" in the speech, as he & BT talked about it the night before.
All in all, it was a wonderful day. A great day for the newlyweds, a great day for the family, relatives & friends who witnessed the union. And I personally got to catch up with some friends, including Sherin (only seen her 1-2 times this year) & Ivan (now in Sydney, but came up for the wedding). I trust that God will richly bless Winston & Eilen's future.
Later on, some of us who attended the wedding had dinner together at Yahoo Restaurant in Sunnybank Hills, & then hung out at Sean's place. So that really made Saturday 17/11/07 a great great day for me. And I'm sure many others would feel the same way, too.

Anyway, The ceremony (u know....exchanging of ring, kisses, pronouncement of Winston & Eilen as married couple) was then followed by group photos. And my goodness, some of the groups were so huge, it was a struggle to fit those large groups in. Then, we had reception lunch at the hall. The best man ran the show well, though I may be a bit biased in saying that (as mentioned earlier, he's a real close buddy). Firstly, he conducted the trivia quiz, ably aided by Phuong (his partner) & Alice. He handpicked a few people from the audience for the trivia quiz. Me & my friends (Ivan, Terence & Catherine) were not far behind him, & bolted out before he could pick any of us for the trivia quiz. Then, Nigel gave a nice best man's speech. Funnily enough for me & my brother BT, Nigel mentioned "Nebuchadnezzar" in the speech, as he & BT talked about it the night before.
All in all, it was a wonderful day. A great day for the newlyweds, a great day for the family, relatives & friends who witnessed the union. And I personally got to catch up with some friends, including Sherin (only seen her 1-2 times this year) & Ivan (now in Sydney, but came up for the wedding). I trust that God will richly bless Winston & Eilen's future.
Later on, some of us who attended the wedding had dinner together at Yahoo Restaurant in Sunnybank Hills, & then hung out at Sean's place. So that really made Saturday 17/11/07 a great great day for me. And I'm sure many others would feel the same way, too.

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