At first glance, I thought it was real, but after seeing the pictures a few times, realise it probably is not. Or, not yet, anyway. Now, I don't know where the resort is proposed to be built. The word "Chile" is included in the names of the 4 files sent by my friend. That may suggest that the resort may be built in Chile. On the other hand, if you look closely, the word "" appears on the left of all the pictures. I understand "cz" to refer to Czech Republic (though I may be mistaken). But, Czech Rep is landlocked (i.e. enclosed by land), & since the pictures include the beach, I doubt it refers to Czech Rep. So, it's more likely to refer to Chile. Maybe....
But oh what the hey, just admire the pics. I wish I could own such a resort. I could then enjoy the resort, & float in the pool whenever I like, just like the guy in the third picture below. Right now, I can't afford to buy such a resort. But who knows, one day I might. One day.....hahaha.....

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