Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Article - Long-term health risk tied to computer use

I already know a bit about the issues that a sedentary lifestyle brings. So when I bumped into the article below a few weeks ago, it served as an ominous reminder. And yeah, I can definitely see problems for myself down the track :P

Long-term health risk tied to computer use
12:30 AEST Wed Dec 9 2009
By Henri Paget, ninemsn

Workers who spent long hours in front of a computer screen over the past decade may suffer serious long-term health problems, experts say.

Weak muscles, sore eyes and depression are just some of the symptoms associated with what has been labelled the "dark age" of computing.

"People have spent a decade chained to their chair, chained to their keyboard, chained to their mouse," Curtin University's Leon Straker said.

"Human bodies weren't meant to be sedentary like that ... people are simply not as active as the older generation."

Professor Straker, who specialises in the effects of computer use on physical health, said some workers will face muscle and bone problems earlier in life than in previous generations due to prolonged computer use.

"Sitting in front of a computer increases stress around the neck and shoulder area," he said.

"In the future it is likely there will be more people with poorer, slumped posture, as well as weaker back muscles and lower bone density."

People who spend long, uninterrupted periods staring at computer screens should also be wary of sore or tired eyes and blurry vision, said visual ergonomics specialist Jennifer Long.

The mental health effects of long-term computer use are not well established, but some studies have linked it to depression.

Research from Sweden in 2007 found that online chatting, SMS use and emailing were related to increased levels of stress and depression.

In Australia, Deakin University PhD student Megan Teychenne has examined links between depression and computer use among women.

Her research shows that women reporting more than 21.5 hours of computer use per week had a higher rate of depression.

"However, we weren't able to determine whether it was because women became depressed using computers or whether women who are already depressed use computers more," she said.

Health experts say workers should take every opportunity to step away from the computer screen, preferably once every half hour.

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