Not easy trying to remember everything that happened.....but anyway.....
There were more firework, of course (hopefully this time, real!), including bright orange ones. Wonderful. And as usual, there are various performers. I was especially impressed by the performers on the tall memory tower. Brilliant work, & I marvel at how hard the performers trained for the event. Well, good to see all that hard work & dedication pay off. Then there was also the medal presentation for the final men's marathon (all medalists were African).
Speeches....zzzzz. Appearances by all Olympic athletes, all obviously relaxed after all their Olympics exertions. The athletes have earned the right to let their hair down & party, given all their exertions during the past 16 days. Handover of the Olympic flag from the Mayor of Beijing to the Mayor of London. London's gonna have a big job to do, given the overall success of Beijing as hosts. And there is a British contingent present to give a 8-minute presentation of the 2012 London Olympics - which featured the red double-decker bus. Olympic flame extinguished. Musical acts by various artists from Hong Kong & China, & UK's Leona Lewis was there too. Then there's a certain Mr Beckham. More fireworks, pyrotechnics & dancing.
Overall, the closing ceremony seemed more relaxed & "less formal" compared to the opening ceremony. It's a big big party. Well done, Beijing, for putting on a great show these past couple of weeks. I can't believe how quickly time passed. But the games have been enjoyable. Another 4 year wait, but hey, time flies, it'll arrive sooner than we realise. Roll on London 2012!
I loved how the Olympic flag was passed from the Beijing Mayor to the IOC Chairman and then onto the London Mayer. The commentator noted that this ceremony is traditionally done in silence...
And boy did it look awkward for these stiff middle-aged men to be waving a flag whilst trying to look inspiring... :P
I also loved how the London Mayor had his suit unbuttoned compared to the Beijing Mayor and the IOC Chairman. He looked positively casual (with his wonderful paunch sticking out) compared with the other two :P
**I had a couple of spelling mistakes in that previous 'comment' post, which is why I deleted it :P
Doh...I still spelled 'Mayor' as 'Mayer'...
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