But that was the second poker game. The first poker game saw me being the first contestant eliminated! So I obviously improved vastly in the second game. The fact that Sean jokingly advised me to "go against my instincts" when making a decision (bet or fold etc) perhaps helped me do well in the second game. Sean wasn't around for the first game; his cousin Sam was, & Sam actually did very well in that game (he had left before we started the second game). Not sure who won the first game - can't remember, maybe we decided to stop (although Sam would have had the most chips when we stopped) & go on to the Nintendo Wii that Ivan brought over.
Anyway, besides the poker & Nintendo Wii, we also played chor dai di (Big 2). Well, those that didn't play the Wii played chor dai di. Actually, we varied the rules a bit - instead of shuffling positions after each round, winner gets to start the next round. So I dunno if u can still call what we played chor dai di ;) Anyway, whatever it is we played, I wasn't so good at - didn't even win a single round. I'm even worse with the Wii tennis - got soundly flogged by Winston & Sean. But hey, it was great, great fun, but tiring (got home at 2am) - so tiring that I am now feeling the effects of the late finish! I'm heading off to bed soon after this post!
hey DT, we should play no-limit next time... faster game :)
as for chor dai di, what we played was proper/normal big 2. the game you're thinking of where you switch positions etc is president (i know it as masters and slaves, but it has a whole bunch of other names).
Mr Quop, "no-limit" sounds like a good idea. Well, we can have limits in the first few rounds, & then change over to "no-limit" as the game progresses....
Ya, that's right - masters & slaves is what it's called. I forgot, until u mention it.
But yeah, bring on next time!! I'm sure it'll be just as much fun!
Hey DT - didn't know you had a blog! Will be here more often in future ;)
In regards to the stalemate...well...that's when you bet big (all in!) and hope for the best!
Look at you guys...think you're poker experts from a couple of games. Perlease...learn from the master who's sharpened his poker skills for nearly 5 years now!!
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